2019 Jan 12






  1. Healing Breath: Zen For Christians and Buddhists in a Wounded World (Wisdom, 2006)
  2. “Four Ennobling Truths of our Global Society,” Bridges, A Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol. 13, 2006, Special Edition: The Value of Buddhism for Contemporary Western Society, pp. 267-286.
  3. “The Inner Pursuit of Happiness,” in S. Kaza, ed., Hooked!—Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume (Wisdom, 2005)


* 分發給學員之其他作者之參考資料:

  1. David Loy, “Three Poisons, Institutionalized” (pdf)
  2. David Loy, “Awakening in the Age of Climate Change’ (Tricycle, Spring 2015) (pdf)
  3. David Loy, “Healing Ecology: What can Buddhism Contribute to our Understanding of the Ecological Crisis?” (Tricycle, Winter 2012) (pdf)
  4. Film: “Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview” 64 minutes, accessible via this link:


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